Wednesday, May 24, 2006

eve o problems

Just thought I should let you all know that the recent flurry of activity on this long forgotten site, was due in part to the rediscovery of the artwork I did at college back in 1994/5. If any of you know the work of the brilliant artist Tom Phillips, you will no doubt immediately see that I have ripped him off hook, line and sinker. I have no shame in that. When I first saw his "book" A Humument in 1992, I almost shat myself it was so good.. so fucking inspired. If you don't know it, Tom took a book called A Human Document and painted it; actually painted the pages of the book, painting over the words on the pages, but leaving interesting phrases untouched, which when put together would be interesting, funny etc. Tom is a staggering painter, so when you see his work, you'll look at mine and snigger politely (his pages can be found here.. please look and see how this type of painting is supposed to be done).
However, as limited as my painting skills are, I did find that a lot of interesting phrases would come out of this, words that I wouldn't necessarily put together if I thought about it, suddenly were in a line on the page, and suddenly I was writing differently, unconciously... it was uplifting and very liberating.. more so than the famous cut ups, because with this way the words were being provided by another (in my case a book called The Wabash Factor by E V Cunningham, first published 1986 - I pretty poor detective novel to be honest, but it had thick pages and it was only 50p in a charity shop in Hanley). Anyway, I got a lot of good songs out of this.
Recently, I rediscovered the work I did at college and scanned them in to share with everyone. I have painted about 115 pages (although a fair few of them are shit), but it does get very difficult, especially when your artist skills are limited after 100 pages, particularly when you get a few pages with no interesting words or word connections. I'll be putting up the best ones over the next few weeks, so please look in when you can
Anyway I hope you are enjoying these pages, and please visit Tom's site to see a master at work.


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