My two cents (sense)

Loud, fast music is no longer punk rock; it is now a part of the establishment. Everything John Lydon worked so hard to turn on its head, is now on its head, but it's being used by the same cunts who were in charge in 1975... the fucking middle classes. So where to now? Back to basics... give them the last thing they'll think off. Give them something they won't like... yet.
There used to be too many protest singers and not enough protest songs... now there are no songs and no singers. There was rock n roll, then that became vacuous, it was manufactured and it was fake; what followed was the opposite... Bob Dylan; quiet songs, with loud sentiments. Then there was the Beatles, who floated between the two poles during their whole career, but always publicly safe; then there was Lennon who tried to be controversial, but could only find justification when selling lots of records. Then there was the Pistols.. does anyone remember how different they were, and how much ill feeling they produced in this country at the time? Does anyone remember what followed...? Well we're living in the shit now, big business has taken over and big business was frightened by bands like the Pistols, because they showed that the working classes are intelligent and can fight back.. big business just wants us to believe that we need aerosols to stop our shit stinking like shit.. take a look down your local supermarket aisle and see how much crap is for sale.. there are 2 aisles of fruit and veg, 2 of chilled fish and meats and about 20 full of toilet paper, aerosols, shampoo, creams, hair gel, smelly plugs, microwave meals, crisps, coloured paper plates etc etc.
It is so much worse now than in 1975, because no one cares anymore; at least then we were fighting. Now we just sit back and give our acceptance willingly.
John Lydon is the sanest person on earth. But he is only on TV because "it's John being controversial again"... the middle classes love it, as long as it doesn't invade their comfort zone. You only had to see the Lottery this weekend; the presenters were shitting themselves when protesters peacefully invaded the set... that fat prick was so fuckin smug, forgetting that moments before he was pushing the female presenter out of the way to get away from protesters. He was probably thinking about the payment from reruns on the bloopers show (what a waste of fuckin time that is anyway).
John we need you again.... oh wait, we need someone like you, someone like me - you always maintained that we need to develop our own order and not accept what is around us... question everything. Well thanks for the inspiration.. we can take it from here.
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