On an uplifting note however, I have just written and recorded the first "Alan Neilson" song for many years.
It's called "Wish You Were Her"... a mid-life crisis in full flow and for all the world to see.. don't you just love to see a mind slowly deteriorating.
Have you heard of Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Here are the DISORDER SYMPTOMS :
-Grandiose sense of self-importance
-Preoccupied with fantasies about unlimited successes
-Believes self to be "special"
-Requires excessive admiration
-Has a sense of entitlement
-Is interpersonally exploitative
-Lacks empathy
-Is often envious
-Displays arrogant, haughty behaviour
The Mental Health Foundation website says at least three of the symptoms of the disorder need to be present to confirm a diagnosis on a patient. Ha, ha ,ha... only 3!! I can pick out about 7 from that fuckin list!! But I am at the very least a realist above all other things, and although I joke about this shit, I do appreciate more than anything the necessity to work hard for every tiny victory.
Therefore when someone says they cried because of the beauty of one of my songs, that is a tiny victory, but my feet are still planted on the ground. Thanks Marie.