Monday, August 29, 2005

Everything is ok

Thanks for all the get well messages -my computer is well now thanks.

I am now well also.. despite not being seen on the X factor long shots - probably because i was pulling a moody face every time.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My computer is dying

Aaagghhh! I think my computer is dead... if you want to send flowers, you know the address. I hoping I might be able to salvage Touching Wood and my music files... if not, tears will be flowing out of Dudley.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I am jealous of Arctic Monkeys

Yes most of you won't know who the Arctic Monkeys are.. well shame on you.. there is a lot of good music floating around the world at the moment (most of which is not on TV or radio).
Well the Arctic Monkeys are amazing, they write songs like men in the thirties (ha, ha like me... well no not like me), you know mature, clever stuff (ha, ha like me)... but these monkeys are really young and talented, grrrr.. i want to lock them up and make them write songs for me.

Check them out.

Alan Neilson sings, but gently

Yes fans, I now have music on the internet.

If you are interested, please visit and have a listen to my latest crop of recordings... I said 'crop'.

Other news - I have sent Touching Wood out again to see if people like my writing as much as my music.

I am currently singing more than ever so TW is losing out on the attention front, sorry boys.

I have some gigs coming up in the MIdlands area in September if anyone is about, check out the overplay site for info.

Thank you for your attention, that's all.