Thursday, April 21, 2005

Four brief pumps and a squirt

From X Factor to Extractor. The ride is over; short and sweet.. but I felt my heart pumping in my chest, as if to confirm that I am still alive... it is said that everyday you should do something that scares the skids onto your underpants.. well consider me skid marked for life.

I sang Elvis C's "Watching the Detectives" so sweetly and yet apparently there was no X in my factor, and so adios... I now feel as if I have passed a test - I am not a fake, I am not a media prostitute, I did not shout I have the X factor for the camera crew (nor did I ever think it)... I think my factor is slightly more 'y' or possibly 'f'.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

You'll laugh

Tomorrow I will be selling my soul to the devil.. ha, ha. I am dragging myself to auditions for the new X Factor series. I have seen that dull, middle-aged men seem to win these competitions and logic suggests that I have a better chance of winning than the next person (unless the next person is Bryan Adams).

This is like rollarcoaster; a 6 hour queue followed by 20 seconds of feeling sick and having someone turn your guts upside down.. I can't wait!

I know what you're thinking.. I am anti-establishment; an anarchist; a P.I.L. popping, yellow-toothed, orange sideburned, post-punk tinged dude, who wouldn't drop dung on Messers Cowell at al, if they were sunburnt. However, I want to feel alive; and if it takes something as shallow as this charade to make my heart pump, by god, I will do it.

I have no illusions or pretensions, but I think this will be a thrilling, if not brief, ride.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Mailman bring me no more blues

Touching Wood takes its next trip to London.. sometimes I wish I could go along and hold it's little hand in that big bad city.. all alone.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Rejection no.6

In case you are still counting.

As Ed Harcourt once sang: "I don't mind if I lose, cos if I win I'll get so confused." Well that's where I am and how I feel today.

Bad news is the new "no news".. and as you know, no news is good news.. so I'm practically ecstatic.

Sometimes I read or listen to work I've done months ago, and can't remember actually producing it.. it feels like someone else was in there pulling the strings, or with a hand up my back working my mouth and eyes.
