Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Xmas

To all you wonderful readers, thank you for your support. Have a wonderful Christmas and a tip-top New Year.


Thursday, December 16, 2004

Rejection no.3

This one came back so fast, I think they lifted my package from one envelope and put it back in another, unread!

What a business.

But it is back out there... I might work out one day how far it has travelled; I reckon about 700+ miles so far!

Maybe it needs a good M.O.T.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Happiness is a warm rejection letter.

As if I needed further confirmation of my position in the world as an undiscovered talent, I have had yet another rejection letter. Can you imagine my joy?

And then I go through those moments when I consider that maybe I am just a big pile of poo..

I am 35.. the most consistent response I get from "the business", is 'piss off you gimp'.. I have had this for the last 15 years!! Am I getting the message? Fuck, no! I am still stubborn enough to consider that the more they hate me, the better my work has become.... I am plainly dilluded.

So answer this... if I wasn't me; would I like my work?

I am intensely critical of everyone; but when I am impressed, I fall in love - BANG! Would I fall in love with this....? Of course I fucking would.

I need to get some stamps, but they closed all the local post offices... it will be in the post again; what else can I do..?