Thursday, August 12, 2004

Touching Wood

And so Touching Wood, is released into the virtual world onto the unsuspecting minds of strangers I only know through wires... I don't know who or what they are, and they do not know me and yet they like it.

Sometimes strangers are a more powerful influence on me than everyone that I have ever known.

.. I have always relied on the kindness of strangers.. that's Streetcar isn't it? How profound, I wish I had thought of that, originally.. now it looks like what I've already just said before is just ripped off.. yeah, maybe subconsiously.


Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Memo to myself; do the dumb things...

In case I forget, I have stuck this post-it to my forehead (written backwards)... everytime I look at my reflection, it stares back at me:

1. Do not wash face as ink will run.
2. Finish "Touching Wood (Stories for boys Pt 1 (1977-1980))" before I die.
3. Complete "My Name is Charles Alfred Allen" audio and video before winter.
i. Re-record 'On the Mersey'
ii. Re-record 'Stardust'
4. Start writing "Cut", before I forget what it is about.
5. Don't ever cycle in the blistering heat without water again.
6. Stop taking me for granted.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Asleep on the bus (again) Posted by Hello

Friday, August 06, 2004

from humble beginnings

elementary productions is me.

i am an artist, first and foremost.

i needed an outlet.. i need to be let out.

Like a dog I need room to stretch my legs, fetch sticks, eat grass and a have poo (which is made up of undigestable grass and it hangs from my backside so I have to rub myself on the floor to get rid of it).

There will be more, eventually, but not necessarily like this...